- Akila
Siriweera, Incheon Paik, AutoBDA: Model-driven Reference Architecture
for Automated Big Data Analysis Framework, IEEE Transactions on
Services Computing PP(99):1-14,DOI:10.1109/TSC.2025.3536310, January
Transfer Learning Approach using PubMedCLIP for Medical Image
Classification, IEEE Access, Accepted on May 2024.
- Kungan
Zeng, Incheon Paik, Web service embedding: Representing the invocation
association between services with practical-valued vectors, Expert
Systems with Applications, Volume 238, Part F, DOI:, 15 March 2024.
- Cherubin
Mugisha, Incheon Paik, Medical BigBERTa: An Optimized Transformer for
Long Medical Documents, Submitted to JBHI, Pre-publication at Techrxiv:
, June. 2023.
- Chérubin
Mugisha,Incheon Paik, Bridging the Gap between Medical Tabular Data and
NLP Predictive Models: A Fuzzy-Logic-Based Textualization Approach,
MDPI Electronics 2023, 12(8), 1848;, Apr. 2023.
- Akila
Siriweera, Incheon Paik, and Huawei Huang, Constraint-driven
Complexity-aware Data Science Workflow for AutoBDA, IEEE Transactions
on Big Data, Accepted, March, 2023. pp. 1-20.
YUTAKA WATANOBE, INCHEON PAIK, Finding Stable Periodic-Frequent
Itemsets in Big Columnar Databases, IEEE Access ( Volume: 11), (DOI:
10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3241313) February 2023. pp. 12504 - 12524.
- Tuyen
Nguyen, Incheon Paik, Yutaka Watanobe, Truong Cong Thang, An Evaluation
of Quantum Neural Networks for Image Data Classification, Journal of
MDPI Electronics, Accepted on Jan. 28, 2022.
- Cherubin
Mugisha,Incheon Paik, Comparison of Neural Language Modeling Pipelines
For Outcome Prediction From Unstructured Medical Text Notes, IEEE
Access (Volume: 10), DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3148279, Page: 16489-16498, Feb. 2022.
- Ranto Sawai, Incheon Paik, Ayato Kuwana, Sentence Augmentation for Language Translation using
GPT-2, Journal of MDPI Electronics 2022, 10, 3082. , Dec. 10, 2021.
- Incheon
Paik, Jun-Wei Wang, Improving Text-to-Code Generation with Features of
Code Graph on GPT-2, Journal of MDPI Electronics,, Nov., 2021.
- Ayato Kuwana, Atsushi Oba, Ranto Sawai, Incheon Paik, Automatic
Taxonomy Classification by Pretrained Language Model, Journal of MDPI
Electronics,, Oct. 2021.
- Md. Mostafizer Rahman, Yutaka Watanobe, Rage Uday Kiran,Truong
Cong Thang,Incheon Paik, Impact of Practical Skills on Academic
Performance: A Data-Driven Analysis, IEEE Access ( Volume: 9), Oct.
2021. pp. 139975 - 139993
- Kungan
Zeng, Incheon Paik, Semantic Service Clustering with Lightweight
BERT-based Service Embedding Using Invocation Sequences, IEEE Access
(Volume: 9), DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3069509, pp. 54298 - 54309, March
- Incheon Paik, Automatic AI Generation Tool for Society 5.0 Era,
Journal of Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Japan, Vol.
35-1, No. 62, 2020. (In Korean)
- Banujan
Kuhaneswaran, Banage TGS Kumara, and Incheon Paik. "Strengthening
Post-Disaster Management Activities by Rating Social Media
Corpus.", International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented
Engineering (IJSSOE) 10.1, pp. 34-50, 2020.
- Wuhui
Chen, Baichuan Liu, Incheon Paik, Zhenni Li, Zibin Zheng, QoS-Aware
Data Placement for MapReduce Applications in Geo-Distributed Data
Centers, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, PP(99):1-17, DOI:
10.1109/TEM.2020.2971717, Feb. 2020.
- Rupasingha
A. H. M. Rupasingha, Incheon Paik, Rupasingha A. H. M. Rupasingha,
Incheon Paik, Alleviating Sparsity by Specificity-Aware Ontology-Based
Clustering for Improving Web Service Recommendation, IEEJ Transacation
on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, DOI:, July 08, 2019.
- Benying
Tan, Yujie Li, Shuxue Ding, IncheonPaik, Atsunori Kanemura, DC
programming for solving a sparse modeling problem of video key frame
extraction, Digital Signal Processing, Volume 83, (, pp. 214-222, December 2018.
- T.
H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, QoS-aware Rule-based
Traffic-efficient Multi-objective Service Selection in Big Data Space,
IEEE Access(Volume:6),pp. 48797 - 48814 (DOI:
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2867633), August 2018.
- Rupasingha
A. H. M. Rupasingha, Incheon Paik, and Banage T. G. S. Kumara,
Specificity-Aware Ontology Generation for Improving Web Service
Clustering, IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems,
Vol.E101-D,No.8,pp.2035-2043,Aug. 2018.
- Wuhui
Chen, Incheon Paik, and Neil Y. Yen,Discovering internal social
relationship for influence-aware service recommendation, Multimedia
Tools and Applications, Springer, Volume 76, Issue 18, September 2017.
pp. 18193–18220.
- WuhuiChen, IncheonPaik, Zhenni Li, Neil Y.Yen, A cost
minimization data allocation algorithm for dynamic datacenter resizing,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Volume 118, Part 2,
August 2018, pp. 280-295.
- Incheon Paik, Preparation of the 4th
Industry Revolution - About Infrastructure Technology and Policy of AI
and Big Data for the 4th Industry Revolution, Journal
of Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Japan, Vol. 32-1, No.
56, 2017. (In Korean)
- Wuhui
Chen, Incheon Paik, Patrick C.K. Hung, Transformation-based
Streaming Workflow Allocation on Geo-Distributed Datacenters for
Streaming Big Data Processing, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, Accepted on September 2016.
- Wuhui Chen, Incheon Paik, Zhenni Li, "Cost-Aware Streaming
Workflow Allocation on Geo-Distributed Data Centers", IEEE Transactions
on Computers, PrePrints, doi:10.1109/TC.2016.2595579, Vol. 66,
No. 2, Feb. 2017. pp. 256-271
- T. H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Banage T. G. S. Kumara, C.
K. Koswatta, "Architecture for Intelligent Big Data Analysis based on
Automatic Service Composition", International Journal of Big Data
(IJBD), 2(2), 2015, pp. 1-14.
- Wuhui Chen, Incheon Paik, Zhenni Li, Topology-Aware
Optimal Data Placement Algorithm for Network Traffic Optimization, IEEE
Transactions on Computers, Pre-Printed Version (DOI:
Vol. 65, No. 8, Aug. 2016. Ppp. 2603-2617.
- Incheon Paik, Sheng-Han
Yang and Li-Hua Li, Improving Trust Based Recommender System By Mining
User Comments on the Web, Advanced Science Letters (ASL), Accepted on
March, 2015.
- Koswatte R. C. Koswatte, Incheon Paik, Wonhee Park, Banage T.G.S.
Kumara, Innovative Product Design using Metaontology with Semantic
TRIZ, International Journal of Information Retrieval, Accepted on
Feburary, 2015.
- Chenghao Jin, Goutchol Pok, Incheon Paik, Keunho Ryu, "Short-Term
Electricity Load and Price Forecasting Based on Clustering and Next
Symbol Prediction", IEEJ Transactions ON Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Vol.10 No.2, 2015. pp.175-18.
- Banage Thenna Gedara Samantha Kumara,Incheon Paik,Hiroki Ohashi,Yuichi
Yaguchi,Wuhui Chen, Context-Aware Web Service Clustering and
Visualization, International Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR),
Accepted on December, 2014.
- I. Paik, Improved Malicious
Code Classification Considering Sequence by Machine Learning, IEIE
Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing (SPC), accepted in July
- Banage T. G. S. Kumara, Incheon Paik, Koswatte R. C.
Services Computing (ISSN 2330-4472) Vol. 2, No. 3, July – Sept.
2014. pp. 1-13.
- I. Paik, H. Takada, K. Ryu, Identification of Semistructured
Abstract Nonfunctional Properties for Automatic Service Composition,
International Journal of Web Services
Research, Accepted in August 2014.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, Toward Better Quality of Service Composition Based on Global Social Service Network, IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 26, Issue 5, April, 2014. pp. 1466-1476.
- B.T.G.S. Kumara, I. Paik, W. Chen, K.
Ryu, Web Service Clustering using a Hybrid Term-Similarity
Measure with Ontology Learning, International Journal of Web Services
Research, Volume 11, Issue 2th, 2014. pp. 24-45.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, and T. Tashiro, Connecting a
single Global Service Space for Workflow-as-a-Service, Journal of
Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII),
Vol. 17, No. 4, 2013.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, and P. C.K. Hung, Privacy Issues in SOAP
Message Exchange Pattern for Social Services, Fundamenta Informaticae 131 (DOI 10.3233/FI-20), 2014, pp.1–19 .
- W. Chen, I. Paik, P. C.K Hung, Constructing a Global Social Service Network for Better Quality of Web Service Discovery, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, Volume:8 , Issue: 2, March-April, 2015, pp284 - 298.
- B. T. G. S. Kumara,
I. Paik, W. Chen, Extract Features from WSDL Documents to Cluster Web
Services with Ontology Learning, Journal of Convergence Information
Technology, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2013, pp. 920-929.
- I. Paik, W.
Chen, M. Huhns, Scalable Architecture for Automatic
Service Composition, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JANUARY-MARCH, 2014, pp. 82-95.
- W.
Chen, I. Paik, Improving efficiency of service discovery using Linked
data-based service publication, Information Systems Frontiers, DOI: 10.1007/s10796-012-9381-x, Springer, 2012.
- I. Paik,
SERVICES, International Journal of Business Process Integration
and Management (IJBPIM), Volume 6 No 2, December, 2012.
- I. Paik, E. Fujikawa,
"Web Service Matchmaking Using Web Search Engine and Machine Learning",
International Journal of Web Engineering, SAP, 1(1), pp. 1-5,
- J.
Wang, F. Yang, and I. Paik, "A Novel E-cash Payment Protocol Using
Trapdoor hash Function on Smart Mobile Device, International Journal of
Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2011,
- I. Paik and H.
Mizugai, "Recommendation System Using Weighted TF-IDF and Naive Bayes
Classifiers on RSS Contents", Journal of Advanced Computational
Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 14 No. 6, 2010.
- I. Paik and H.
Takada, "Design of General User Interface for Automatic Service
Composition", Internation Journal of Communication and Computer,
Volume (6), Number 9, September 2009.
- I. Paik, H. Akimoto,
"Ontology Querying and Its Software Component for Design Support in
Supply Chains", International Journal of Agent Oriented Software
Engineering (IJAOSE), Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., Vol. 1, No. 2,
2007, pp. 244 - 259.
- I. Paik and Y.
Watanabe, "Intelligent Web Services via Service Composition with
Constraints using Semantic Web Rules: The Trip Planning Case", The
Journal of Three Dimensional Images, Vol. 20, No.2, May, 2006, pp.66-73.
- W. Park and I. Paik,
"Construction of Information Infrastructure to Support Business to
Business", Journal of Japan Industry Management Association, Vol. 54,
No. 6, 2004.
- I. Paik, and W. Park,
"Software Component Architecture for an Information Infrastructure to
Support Innovative Product Design in a Supply Chain", Journal of
Organization Computing and Electronic Commerce, Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, NJ. U.S.A. Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2005, pp. 105-136.
- I. Paik, T. Han, T.
Oh, S. Ha, and T. Park, "An Affiliated Search System for an Electronic
Commerce and Software Component Architecture", Information and Software
Technology, Elsevier Science, Vol. 45, Issue 8, 1 June, 2003, pp.
- I. Paik, "Design of
Ontology and Information Infrastructure to Support the Design in Supply
Chain", The Journal of Three Dimensional Images, Vol. 17, No.1, March,
2003, pp114-120.
- I. Paik, "Novel
Architecture for Electronic Commerce framework using SET Protocol",
Soonchunhyang Journal Institutes of Industry Technology, 1999.
- I. Paik, "CORBA-Based
Component Technology and Application to Electronic Commerce", Korea
Information Science Society Review, Vol. 17 No. 7, 1999.
- I. Paik, "Design of
Scalable User-Oriented Internet Information Retrieving System using
CORBA", Journal of Korea Information Science Society (KISS), Vol. 3, No.
6, pp. 631-642, Dec. 1997.
- I. Chun, H. Lee, I.
Paik, and C. Jeong, "Three-Dimensional Structure Reconstruction Using
X-ray Image for Orthopedic Surgery", Soonchunhyang Journal Institutes of
Industry Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 3-12, 1996.
- I. Paik, "Compact
Layout Generation of Static CMOS Complex Gate with Transmission Gates",
Journal of Soonchunhyang Univ., 1994.
- I. Paik, "Implementation of Processor for Linearly Shift Knapsack Public Key Crypto-system", KICS Journal, Vol.19, No.11, 1994.
- J.Kim, H.
Cho, K. Paek, I. Paik, and K. Tchah, "A Study on the Pipeline
Subranging Analog-Digital Converter", Journal of Institute of Industry
Technology, Korea University, Vol. 28, pp. 19-27, 1992.
- H. Cho, K. Paek, I. Paik, and K. Tchah, "A Study on the Test
Circuit Design and Development of Algorithm for Parallel RAM
Testing", KICS Journal, Vol.17, No.7, 1992.
- I. Paik, N.
Park, K. Tchah, "A Study on the Implementation of CAM Generator Using
Objected-Oriented Programming", KICS Journal, Vol.16, No.12, 1991.
- I. Paik, K.
Paek, S. Park, K. Tchah, "A Study on the Implementation of Linearly
Shift Knapsack Public Key Cryptosystem", KICS Journal, Vol.16, No.9,
- J. lee, I.
Paik, S. Park, N. Park, K. Tchah, "A Study on the Design of Content
Addressable and Reentrant Memory(CARM)", KICS Journal, Vol.16,
No.1, 1991.
- S. Kim, I.
Paik, S. Park, N. Park, K. Tchah, "A Study on the Implementation of FIR
Digital Filter with Linear Phase", KICS Journal, Vol.15, No.11,
- J. Kim, I.
Paik, N. Park, K. Tchaha, "A Study on the Automatic Design of Content
Addressable Memory", KICS Journal, Vol.15, No.10, 1990.
- J. Kang, I. Paik, S. Park, N. Park, K. Tchah, "A Study on
Development of Algorithm for One Chip Echo Canceller", Korea
Institute of Communication Society(KICS) Journal, Vol.15, No.8, 1990.
- I. Paik, N. Park, H. Chun, A. Moon, K. Tchah, "Study on Development
of IC Layout Program with PC by Data Conversion", Journal of Korea
Institue of Telematics and Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 9, 1988, pp.
Conference Proceedings
- H. Dao, H. Hashimoto, I.
Paik et al., Leveraging LLMs for LLMs-Generated Fake News Detection :
Insights from COVID-19, 8th Annual Conference on Cognitive
Computational Neuroscience, Amsterdam, August 12-15, 2025.
- K. Miura, I. Paik, Classification of Text Generated From Large
Language Models and Human, Proceedings of ICEIC 2025, Osaka, Jan. 2025.
- H. Chen, I. Paik, Fire Detection Methods Based on Multi-Model Approach, Proceedings of ICEIC 2025, Osaka, Jan. 2025.
- T. Nakata, I. Paik, Improved Code Generation and Assistance Using
Large Language Models With Model Merging, Proceedings of ICEIC 2025,
Osaka, Jan. 2025.
- M. Kuwabara, I. Paik, Evaluation of Text Generation by GPT
Language Model Fine-Tuned by Generated Ontology, Proceedings of
ITC-CSCC 2024, Okinawa, July 2024.
- Hiroshi Tasaki, Incheon Paik,
Effect of Inference Methods in Back-Translation With Generated Data,
Proceedings of ICEIC 2024 Conference, Taiwan, Jan. 2024.
- Dao Ngoc Hong, Incheon Paik, Patient Similarity
using Electronic Health Records and Self-supervised Learning,
Proceedings of IEEE McSOC 2023 Conference, Singapore, 2023.
- Zheqi Shen, Incheon Paik, Predicting Depression on Twitter with Word
Embedding by Pretrained Language Model, Proceedings of iCAST 2023
Conference, Taiwan, 2023.
- Incheon Paik, Deep Learning Generation Based on Service
Composition and Era of AGI, Keynote Speech in ASSE 2023 Conference,
- Marika Kuwabara, Incheon Paik, Observation of Text Generation by GPT
Language Model Fine-Tuned by Generated Ontology, ACM ASSE 2023
Conference,Aizu-Wakamatsu, 2023.
- Dao Ngoc Hong,Tuyen Nguyen Quang and Incheon Paik, A Multimodal
Transfer Learning Approach for Medical Image Classification,
Proceedings of IEEE/IEIE ICCE-Asia Conference 2023.
- R. Sawai, I. Paik, Improving Performance of Neural Machine Translation
with Ontology Graph, Proceedings of ITC-CSCC 2023 Conference, Jeju
Korea, 2023.
- Mugisha, Chérubin, and Incheon
Paik. “Optimization of Biomedical Language Model with Optuna and
a Sentencepiece Tokenization for NER.” In 2022 IEEE International
Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 3859-3861.
IEEE, 2022.
- Incheon Paik, Kungan Zeng, Boonhan Bae, Web-based Automatic Deep
Learning Service Generation System by Ontology Technologies, IEEE
International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering,
Wuhan, China, Oct. 2022.
- Ranto Sawai, Incheon Paik, Improving Performance of
English-Japanese Translation using Knowledge Data, Proceedings of
IEEE/IEIE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia 2022,
Oct. 2022.
- Daiki Sakuma, Incheon Paik, Performance Analysis of Code Generation
with Data Graph on GPT-2 and BERT, Proceedings of IEEE/IEIE
International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia 2022, Oct. 2022.
- Cherubin Mugisha, Incheon Paik, Medical Data Textualization using Fuzzy
Logic for NLP Predictive Models, Proceedings of IEEE/IEIE International
Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia 2022, Oct. 2022.
- Marika Kuwabara, Incheon Paik, Improvement of Q&A System Using
Automatic Ontology Generation, Proceedings of IEEE/IEIE International
Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia 2022, Oct. 2022.
- T. Thang, Y. Watanobe, R. Kiran, I. Paik et al., Towards QoE
Management for Post-Pandemic Online Learning, 14th IEEE International
Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, Vietnam, Oct. 2022.
- Hong Dao Ngoc, Tuyen Nguyen Quang and Incheon Paik, Transfer Learning
for Medical Image Classification on Multiple Datasets using PubMedCLIP,
Proceedings of IEEE/IEIE International Conference on Consumer
Electronics Asia 2022, Oct. 2022.
- Incheon Paik, Semantic Repository for
Automatic Deep Learning Generation, IEEE International Conference on
Semantic Computing, Virtual Conference,Jan. 26-28, 2022.
- Incheon Paik and Haklin Kimm, Distributed Neural Network
with TensorFlow on Human Activity Recognition over Multicore TPU, IEEE
14th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core
Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-2021), Singapore, Dec. 2021.
- Kungan Zeng and Incheon Paik, Dynamic Service Recommendation
Using Lightweight BERT-based Service Embedding in Edge Computing, IEEE
14th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core
Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-2021), Singapore, Dec. 2021.
- Haklin Kimm, Incheon Paik and Hanke Kimm, Performance Comparision
of TPU, GPU, CPU on Google Colaboratory over Distributed Deep Learning,
IEEE 14th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core
Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-2021), Singapore, Dec. 2021.
- Ryoya Ito, Incheon Paik, Improving Detection of Abusive Language
on Twitter Using BERT Embedding and Classifier, The 36th International
Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications,
Jeju, Republic of Korea, July, 2021.
- Kohei Watanabe, Kungan Zeng, Incheon Paik, Adaptive Classification of
GAN-generated Images and Realistic Images, The 36th International
Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications,
Jeju, Republic of Korea, July, 2021.
- Atsushi Oba, Incheon Paik, and Ayato Kuwana, Automatic
Classification for Ontology Generation by Pretrained Language Model,
The 33th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering &
Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, July 26 – July 29, 2021.
- Kungan Zeng, Incheon Paik,Web Service Composition Sequence
Learning Based on Neural Language Networks, IEEE Big Data Science and
Engineering, Guanzhou, China, Dec. 2020.
- Cherubin Mugisha and Incheon Paik,"Pneumonia outcome prediction
using structured and unstructured data from EHR",IEEE International
Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2020 (IEEE BIBM
2020), Workshop, Busan, Dec. 2020.
- UDAY KIRAN RAGE, Sadanori Ito, Minh-Son Dao, Koji Zettsu,
Cheng-wei Wu, Yutaka Watanobe, Incheon Paik, and Truong Cong
Thang,Distributed Mining of Spatial High Utility Itemsets in Very Large
Spatiotemporal Databases using Spark In-Memory Computing Architecture,
IEEE BIg Data Conference, Dec. 2020.
- Nguyen Van Ty, Incheon Paik, Feature Extraction with Triplet Loss
to Classify Disease on Leaf Data, iCAST 2020, Chengdu,Nov. 2020.
- Kungan Zeng, Incheon Paik, A Lightweight Transformer with Convolutional Attention, iCAST 2020, Chengdu,Nov. 2020.
- Quang-Minh
Do, Kungan Zeng and Incheon Paik,Resolving Lexical Ambiguity in
English-Japanese Neural Machine Translation, 3rd Artificial
Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference(AICCC 2020), Kyoto,
Japan, Dec. 2020.
- Cherubin Mugisha, Incheon Paik, Pneumonia: Predicting death rate
of patients at the Intensive Care Unit admission, IEEE The Fifth
International Conference On Consumer Electronics (ICCE)
Asia, Busan, Korea, Nov. 2020.
- Takahiro Yamauchi, Incheon Paik, Comparison on Word Embeddings
for Sentiment Classification with Noisy Twitter Data, IEEE The Fifth
International Conference On Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia, Busan,
Korea, Nov. 2020.
- Incheon
Paik, T. H. Akila S. Siriweera, Automating Big Data Analysis Based on
Deep Learning Generation by Automatic Service Composition, Proceedings
of International Conference on Data Science and Advance Analysis,
Washington D.C, U.S.A, Oct., 2019.
- Incheon Paik, Ryo Ataka, Adaptable Deep Learning Generation by
Automatic Service Composition, Proceedings of International Conference
on Web Service, Milan, Italy,Jul., 2019.
- Atsushi Oba, Incheon Paik, Extraction of Taxonomic Relation of Complex
Terms by Recurrent Neural Network, Proceedings of International
Conference on Cognitive Computing, Milan, Italy, Jul., 2019.
- Takeyuki
Miyagi, Incheon Paik and Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha
Rupasingha,Analysis of Web Service Using Word Embedding by Deep
Learning, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Awareness
Science and Technology 2018 (iCAST 2018), Kyushu, Japan, September
- Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha and Incheon
Paik, Evaluation of Web Service Recommendation Performance via Sparsity
Alleviating by Specificity-Aware Ontology-Based Clustering, Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology
2018 (iCAST 2018), Kyushu, Japan, September 2018.
- Kuhaneswaran Banujan, Banage T. G. S. Kumara and Incheon
Paik,Twitter and Online News analytics for Enhancing Post-Natural
Disaster Management Activities, Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Awareness Science and Technology 2018 (iCAST 2018),
Kyushu, Japan, September 2018.
- Yuji Ishizuka , Quang-Minh Do , Wuhui Chen , Incheon Paik,
On-line Cost-aware Workflow Allocation in Heterogeneous Computing
Environments, Proceedings of IEEE 12th International
Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSOC 2018), Hanoi, Vietnam, Sep. 2018.
- Rupasingha
A. H. M. Rupasingha, Incheon Paik, Improving Service Recommendation by
Alleviating the Sparsity with a Novel Ontology-based Clustering,
Proceedings on IEEE International Conference on Web Service 2018, San
Francisco, USA, July, 2018.
- Kazuki Omine, Incheon Paik, Classification of Taxonomical
Relationship by Word Embedding and Wedge Product, Proceedings on IEEE
International Conference on Cognitive Computing 2018, San Francisco,
USA, July, 2018.
- Yui Takeda, Incheon Paik, Readability Categorization of Eiken
Document using Machine Learning, Proceedings on IEEE-IEICE The Third
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia 2018,
Jeju, Korea, June, 2018.
- Sheng Zhang, Incheon Paik, Evaluation of Superior Generation Selection
Method in Genetic Algorithm for Service Selection in Big Data Space,
Proceedings on IEEE-IEICE The Third International Conference on
Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia 2018, Jeju, Korea, June, 2018.
- T. H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Constraint-aware Dynamic
Partial Order Plan Generation for Big Data Analytics based on Automatic
Service Composition, Proceedings on IEEE-IEICE The Third International
Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia 2018, Jeju, Korea, June,
- Incheon
Paik,Younghyon Heo, Jeremy Perkins, Classification of
Machine-Translated Text Using Deep Learning, Proceedings of
International Conference on Electronics, Information, and
Communication, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Jan. 24-27, 2018.
- Chungho Lee and Incheon Paik, Stock Market Analysis from Twitter and
News Based on Streaming Big Data Infrastructure, Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST
2017), Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 2017.
- Sheng Zhang, Incheon Paik, An Efficient Algorithm For Web Service
Selection Based On Local Selection In Large Scale, Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST
2017), Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 2017.
- Incheon
Paik, Yutaka Koshiba, Thenuwara Hannadige Akila Sanjaya Siriweera,
Efficient Service Discovery Using Social Service Network Based on Big
Data Infrastructure, Proceedings of IEEE 11th International
Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSOC 2017),
Seoul, Korea, Sep. 2017.
- Yujie Li, Benying Tan, Shuxue Ding, Incheon Paik, Atsunori Kanemura,
Key Frame Extraction from Video Based On Determinant-Type ofSpare
Measure And DC Programming, Proceedings of IEEE 11th International
Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSOC 2017),
Seoul, Korea, Sep. 2017.
- Kazuki
Sasaki, Incheon Paik, Analysis of Data Distribution to Classify
Documents on Taxonomy Hierarchy, Proceedings of The 32nd International
Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications,
Busan, Korea, July 2017.
- Kento Hayasaka, Incheon Paik, Improving Taxonomical Document
Classification Using Explicit Semantic Analysis and Convolutional
Neural Network, Proceedings of The 32nd International Technical
Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, Busan,
Korea, July 2017.
- Rupasingha A. H. M. Rupasingha, Incheon Paik, B. T. G. S. Kumara,
Improving Web Service Clustering
through a Novel Ontology Generation, Proceedings on
IEEE International Conference on Web Service 2017, Hawaii, U.S.A,
June-July, 2017.
- T. H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, QoS and Customizable
Transactionaware Selection for Big Data Analytics, Proceedings on IEEE
International Conference on Service Computing 2017,Hawaii, U.S.A,
June-July, 2017.
- Banage T.G.S. Kumara, Incheon Paik, T. H. Akila S. Siriweera, Koswatte
R. C. Koswatte, QoS Aware Service Clustering to
Bootstrap the Web Service Selection, Proceedings on IEEE International
Conference on Service Computing 2017,Hawaii, U.S.A, June-July, 2017.
- T. H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, ConstraintDriven
Dynamic Workflow for Automation of Big Data Analytics based on
GraphPlan,Proceedings on IEEE International Conference on Web Service
2017,Hawaii, U.S.A, June-July, 2017.
- Rupasingha
A. H. M. Rupasingha, Incheon Paik, B. T. G. S. Kumara,Thenuwara
Hannadige Akila Sanjaya Siriweera,Domain-aware Web Service Clustering
based on Ontology Generation by Text Mining, Proceedings of IEEE IEMCON
2016, Vancouver, Oct. 2016.
- T.
H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Service Selection on BigData-Space
based on Heterogeneous QoS Preferences, ICCE-Asia, Seoul, Korea, Oct.
- Incheon
Paik, Satoshi Hotta, Wuhui Chen, Analysis of Data Distribution to
Classify Data Based on Taxonomy Hierarchy, Proceedings on the 2016 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016)
Budapest, Hungary, October, 2016.
- Incheon Paik, Situation Awareness based on Big Data Analysis,
Proceedings on International Conference of Machine Learning and
Cybernetics (ICMLC) 2016, Jeju, South Korea, July, 2016.
- T.H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Jia Zhang, Big Data
Analytic Service Discovery using Social Service Network with Domain
Ontology and Workflow Awareness, Proceedings on IEEE International
Conference on Web Service 2016, San Francisco, U.S.A, June-July, 2016.
- Yutaka Koshiba, Incheon Paik, Wuhui Chen, Fast Social Service Network
Construction using Map-Reduce for Efficient Service Discovery,
Proceedings on IEEE International Conference on Service Computing 2016,
San Francisco, U.S.A, June-July, 2016.
- Banage T.G.S. Kumara, Incheon Paik, Koswatte R. C. Koswatte,
Cluster-Based Web Service Recommendation, Proceedings on IEEE
International Conference on Service Computing 2016, San Francisco,
U.S.A, June-July, 2016.
- Yuji Ishizuka, Wuhui Chen, Incheon Paik, Workflow Transformation for
Real-Time Big Data Processing, Proceedings on IEEE International
Conference on Big Data Congress 2016, San Francisco, U.S.A, June-July,
- Rupasingha
A. H. M. Rupasingha, Incheon Paik, B. T. G. S. Kumara, "Calculating Web
Service Similarity using Ontology Learning with Machine Learning," 2015
IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Computing Research(ICCIC), India, December 2015.
- Yutaka Koshiba,
Wuhui Chen, Yuichi Yamada, Takazumi Tanaka, and Incheon Paik,
Investigation of Network Traffic in Geo-Distributed Data Centers,
IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2015), Qinhuangdao, China, Sep. 2015.
- T. H. Akila S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Banage T. G. S. Kumara,
Onotology-Based Service Discovery for Intelligent Big Data Analytics,
IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology
(iCAST 2015), Qinhuangdao, China, Sep. 2015.
- W. Chen, B.T.G.S.Kumara, T. Tanaka, I. Paik, Z. Li, A Novel Web
Service Clustering Approach for Linked Social Service, Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference on Frontier Computing, Bangkok,
Thailand, September, 2015.
- Banage T. G. S.
Kumara, Incheon Paik, Jia Zhang, T. H. A. S. Siriweera, Koswatte R. C.
Koswatte, Ontology-Based Workflow Generation for IntelligentBig Data
Analytics, Proceedings on IEEE International Conference on Web Service
2015, New York, U.S.A, June-July, 2015.
- T.H.A.S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Banage T.G.S. Kumara, K.R.C.
Koswatta, Intelligent Big Data Analysis Architecture based on Automatic
Service Composition, Proceedings on IEEE Big Data Congress 2015, New
York, U.S.A, June-July, 2015.
- Wuhui Chen, Banage T. G.
S. Kumara, Incheon Paik and Zhenni Li, Topology-aware Heuristic Data
Allocation Algorithm for Big Data Infrastructure, IEEE International
Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, San
Francisco Bay, USA, 3/30-4/2, 2015.
- Koswatte R. C. Koswatte, Incheon Paik, Banage T. G. S. Kumara, T.H.A.S.
Siriweera, Meta-Ontology for Innovative Product Design with Semantic
TRIZ, Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and
Information Technologies (ICEIT'15), Marrakech, Morocco, March 25-27,
- Sheng-Han Yang,Incheon Paik, Improving Trust Based Recommender System
By Mining User Comments on the Web, World IT Congress, Jeju Korea, Feb.
24-26, 2015.
- B. T. G. S. Kumara, Incheon
Paik, K. R. C. Koswatte and Wuhui Chen, Ontology Learning with Complex
Data Type for Web Service Clustering, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium
Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
December, 2014.
- B. T. G. S. Kumara, Incheon Paik, K. R. C. Koswatte and Wuhui Chen,
Recommendation for Web Services with Domain Specific Context Awareness,
Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence
(SSCI), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. December, 2014.
- K.R.C. Koswatte, Incheon Paik and B.T.G.S. Kumara, Meta-Framework for
Semantic TRIZ, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational
Intelligence (SSCI), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. December, 2014
- Dingkun Li, Minghao Piao, Keunho Ryu, Hosun Shon, Incheon Paik,
"One Pass Preprocessing for Token-based Source Code Clone Detection",
Proccedings on IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science &
Technology, 2014. pp.101-106.
- Incheon Paik,Improved Malicious
Code Classification Considering Sequence by Machine Learning,
Proceedings of The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer
Electronics, Jeju, Korea, June 2014.
- Banage T. G. S. Kumara, Incheon Paik, Hiroki Ohashi, Yuichi Yaguchi,
Wuhui Chen, Context Aware Filtering and Visualization of Web Service
Clusters, Proceedings of International Conference on Web Service (ICWS
2014), Alaska, U.S.A. June 2014.
- Banage T. G. S. Kumara, Incheon Paik, Hiroki Ohashi, Wuhui Chen,
Koswatte R. C. Koswatte, Context Aware Post-Filtering for Web Service
Clusters, Proceedings of International Conference on Service Computing
(SCC 2014), Alaska, U.S.A. June 2014.
- Incheon Paik, Domain Independent Active Situation Awareness Framework
on Big Data Infrastructure, Proceedings of the 2014 FTRA International
Conference on Advanced Computing and Services (ACS-14), Jeju, Korea,
Feb., 2014.
- I. Paik, W. Chen, B.T.G.S. Kumara, T.
Tanaka, Z. Li, Y. Yaguchi, Linked data-based Service publication for
Service Clustering, Proceedings of the 5th FTRA International
Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA-13), Danang,
Vietnam, December, 2013
- I. Paik, R. Komiya, K. Ryu, Customizable
Active Situation Awareness Framework Based on Meta-Process in Ontology,
Proceedings of International Conference on Awareness Science and
Technology (iCAST) 2013, Aizu, Fukushima Japan, Nov., 2013
- T. Tashiro, W. Chen, I. Paik, Constructing Web-Scale Functional Map on
Global Social Service Network for Workflow-as-a-Service, Proceedings of
International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST)
2013, Aizu, Fukushima Japan, Nov., 2013
- H. Ohashi, I. Paik, B.T.G.S. Kumara, Calculating Word Similarity for
Context Aware Web Service Clustering, Proceedings of International
Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST) 2013, Aizu,
Fukushima Japan, Nov., 2013
- B.T.G.S. Kumara, I. Paik, Y. Yaguchi, H. Ohashi, Web Service Filtering
and Visualization with Context Aware Similarity to Bootstrap
Clustering, Proceedings of International Conference on Awareness
Science and Technology (iCAST) 2013, Aizu, Fukushima Japan, Nov., 2013
- I. Paik, T. Takazumi, H. Ohashi, W.Chen,
Big Data Infrastructure for Active Situation Awareness on Social
Network Services,Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Congress on Big Data, Santa Clara, CA,
USA, July 2013.
- B. T. G. S. Kumara, Y. Yaguchi, I. Paik, W. Chen,
Clustering and Spherical Visualization of Web Services, Proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Service Computing, Santa Clara, CA,
USA, July 2013.
- B. T. G. S. Kumara, I. Paik, W. Chen, Web-service Clustering with a
Hybrid of Ontology Learning and Information-retrieval-based Term
Similarity, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Web Services,
Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 2013.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, T. Tanaka, B. T. G. S. Kumara, Awareness of Social
Influence for Service Recommendation, Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Service Computing, Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 2013.
- V.W. Chu, R.K. Wong, W. Chen, I. Paik, C. H. Chi, Service
Based on Objective and Subjective Measures, Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Service Computing, Santa Clara, CA, USA,
July, 2013.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, T. Tanaka, B. Kumara, Awareness of Social
Influence on Linked Social Service, Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Cybernetics, Lausanne Switzerland, June 2013.
- S. Kumara, I. Paik, G. Lee, Ontology Learning Method for Web Services Clustering, ICCIT 2012, Seoul, Korea, China,
December, 2012.
- P. Hung, W. Chen, I.
Paik, Privacy Issues in SOAP Message Exchange Pattern for Social
Services , The International Workshop on Privacy-AwaRe Intelligent
Systems (PARIS 2012), to be held in conjunction with the 20th
International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
(ISMIS), Macau, December 4-7, 2012.
- X. Yu, M. Li, I.
Paik, K. Ryu, Prediction of Web User Behavior by Discovering Temporal
Relational Rules from Web Log Data, DEXA, 2012.
- E. Shin, T.
Munkhdalai, M. Li, I. Paik, K. Ryu, A Self-training with Active Example
Selection Criterion for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition, ICHIT, 2012.
- W.
Chen, I. Paik, and P. Hung, Linked Social Service: Connecting Isolated
Services into a Global Social Service Network, The 2012 IEEE
Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC), Guilin, China,
December 6-8, 2012.
- I. Paik, W. Chen, R.
Komiya, K. Lee, Active Situation Awareness Framework for Social Network
Services, Proceedings of International Conference Awareness Science and
Technology (iCAST 2012), Seoul, Korea, pp. 54-57, 2012.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, D.
Kang, T. Tanaka, Service Discovery based on Tree Structure, Proceedings
of International Conference Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST
2012), Seoul, Korea, pp. 218-223, 2012.
- W. Chen, R. Tashiro,
I. Paik, T. Tanaka, Connecting Isolated Service Islands into Global
Social Service Network, Proceedings of International Conference
Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2012), Seoul, Korea, pp.
263-268, 2012.
- W. Chen, I. Paik,
Tetsuya Tashiro, D. Kang, Global Service Space for workflow as a
service, Proceedings of International Conference Awareness Science and
Technology (iCAST 2012), Seoul, Korea, pp. 269-274, 2012.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, and
R. Komiya, Linked Social Service: Evolving from an Isolated Service
into a Global Social Service Network, Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Web Services 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 618-619,
June, 2012.
- I. Paik and R.
Komiya, Active Situation Awareness on Web APIs for Information on
Social Network Services, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference
on Service Economics 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 68-69, June, 2012.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, and
R. Komiya, Global Service Space Construction and Its Application to
Workflow as a Service, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on
Service Computing 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 547-554, June, 2012.
- I.
Paik, K. Kim, W. Park, R. Komiya, Information Infrastructure
for Innovative Product Design in SCM Using Semantic TRIZ, Proceedings
of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and
Technology, Dalian, China, September 27-30, 2011.
- R. Komiya,
Incheon Paik, Masayuki Hisada, Classification of Malicious Web Code by
Machine Learning, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Conference on
Awareness Science and Technology, Dalian, China, September 27-30, 2011.
- I.
Paik, W. Chen, R. Komiya, Identification of Semistructured
Abstract Nonfunctional Properties for Automatic Service Composition,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web
Services (ICWS 2011), Washington D.C. USA, July, 2011.
- I. Paik, W. Chen, R.
Komiya, “A Functional Scalable Architecture for Automatic Service
Composition", 2011 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2011),
Washington D.C. USA, July, 2011.
- I. Paik,
H. Takada, W. Chen, "Transformation of Semi-Structured
Abstract Non-Functional Properties for Service Composition", The 3rd
Workshop on NFPSLAM-SOC'09, Naya, Cyprus, Nov. 2010.
- I. Paik, E.
Fujikawa, S. Kim, "Aggregating Web Service Matchmaking Variants
Using Web Search Engine and Machine Learning", Proceedings of ISAC
2010, Taiwan, Nov. 2010.
- I. Paik, W.
Chen, "Semantic Words Similarity in Triple Relation Using Intermediate
Concept by PLSI ", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 2010.
- I. Paik,
S. Mori, W. Chen, "Design of User Interface for Automatic
Service Composition", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 2010.
- H. Mizugai,
I. Paik, Wuhui Chen, "Scalable Orchestration Strategy for
Automatic Service Composition", Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Computer Information Technology (CIT'2010), Bradford, UK,
June, 2010.
- H. Takada, I. Paik, Transformation
of Non-Functional Properties for Automatic Service Composition,
Proceedings of The 3rd Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and SLA
Management in Service-Oriented Computing NFPSLAM-SOC'09, Stockholem,
Sweden, Nov. 2009.
- I. Paik,
H. Takada, Modeling and Transforming Abstract Constraints for
Automatic Service Composition, Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Computer Information Technology (CIT'2009), Xiamen,
China, October, 2009.
- H. Mizugai,
H. Takada, and I. Paik, Performance Evaluation of
Recommendation System Using Weighted TF-IDF and Naive Bayes Classifier
on RSS Contents, Fuzzy And NeuralNetwork Conference, The 19th
Intelligent System Symposium (FAN 2009), Aizu, Japan, Sep. 2009.
- N. Stankovic, I.
Paik, MODELING A TEAM PROJECT, International Association of Technology,
Education and Development(INTED) Conference, Valencia, Spain, March
- N. Stankovic, I.
Paik, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LABORATORY, International Association of
Technology, Education and Development(INTED) Conference, Valencia,
Spain, March 2009.
- H.Takada, I. Paik,
Design of General User Interface for AutomaticWeb Service Composition,
Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST),
Nagasaki, Japan, Dec. 2008.
- H. Mizugai, I. Paik,
and S. Kanemoto, Text Categorization Using Latent Topics as Additional
Features, Proceedings of the 2008 International Computer
Symposium (ICS 2008), Damsui, Taiwan, November, 2008
- I. Paik, H. Takada,
and Michael N. Huhns, Transforming Abstract QoS Requirements,
Preferences, and Logic Constraints for Automatic Web Service
Composition, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web
Services (ICWS 2008), Beijing, China, September, 2008.
- I. Paik, D. Maruyama,
Automatic Web Services Composition Using Combining HTN and CSP,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer
Information Technology (CIT'2007), Aizu, Japan, October, 2007.
- I. Paik, Automatic
Services Composition for Semantic Ubiquitous Healthcare, Semantic
Application to Ubiquitous Healthcare Workshop, International Semantic
Web Conference, Busan, Korea, 2007.
- I. Paik, H. Suzuki,
Pattern Templates for Automating Business Choreography on Web Services,
Proceedings of IEEE AINA 2007 Conference, Ubisafe 2007 workshop,
Ontario, Canada, May, 2007.
- I. Paik, D. Maruyama,
M. Huhns, A Framework for Intelligent Web Services: Combined HTN and
CSP Approach , Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on
Web Services (ICWS 2006), Chicago, U.S.A, September, 2006.
- D. Maruyama, Incheon
Paik, Mitsuteru Shinozawa, A Flexible and Dynamic CSP Solver for Web
Service Composition in the Semantic Web Environment, Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Computer Information Technology
(CIT'2006), Seoul Korea, September, 2006.
- Yuu Watanabe, Incheon
Paik, Intelligent Web Services for Dynamic Constraints using Semantic
Web Rules, Proceedings of International Conference on Human and
Computer, Aizu & Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
- Ken Nariai, Incheon
Paik, Mitsuteru Shinozawa, Planning and Composition of Web Services
with Dynamic Constraints Using Situation Calculus, Proceedings of
International Conference on Computer Information Technology (CIT'2005),
Shanghai, China, 2005
- I. Paik, H. Akimoto,
Constructing Ontology Querying System for Design Support in Supply
Chain, International Conference on Information Technology and
Applications(ICITA'2005) July , 2005, Sydney, Australia.
- I. Paik, S. Takami,
Y. Watanabe, "Autonomous Agent to Support Design in Supply Chain Based
on Semantic Web Service ", Proceedings of Int. Conf. of Hybrid
Intellisgent System, KitaKyusyu, Japan, Dec. 2004.
- D. Maruyama, I. Paik,
Y. Watanabe, Toward a Multi-Mobile Agent System on Semantic Web
Service: Design Support in Supply Chain, Proceedings of DMS 2004, San
Francisco, Sep. 2004.
- I. Paik, Md. S.
Hossain, Md. T. Hossain, Automating Business Transaction and
Negotiation in Supply Chaines Using Web Service Composition, Proceedins
of CIT 2004 Conference, Wuhan, China, Sep. 2004.
- T. Hossain, I. Paik,
"Automated Business Process Choreography for Business Transaction and
Negotiation in B2B Collaboration", Proceedings of Fifth International
Conference on Human & Computer, Aizu & Tokyo, Sep. 2004.
- I. Paik, H. Akimoto,
S. Takami, Automating Design Support in Supply Chains on Semantic Web
Services, Proceedings of the WWW2004 Workshop on Application Design,
Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web, New York,
NY, USA, May 18, 2004. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, .
- I. Paik, W. Park, Directory Service
Component Architecture for a Distributed Infrastructure to Support
Innovative Business to Business Collaboration, Procd. of DMS 2002, San
Francisco, 2002.
- I. Paik, Design of Ontology to Support the Design and Plan on Supply Chain Management of B2B, Proc. of CIT 2002, Aizu, 2002.
- Jintae Lee and
Incheon Paik, Structural Analysis of On-Line Curves Based on
Topological Turning Patterns, Proc. of 5th Asian conference on Computer
Vision, Austrailia , 2002
- I. Paik, T. Han, Analysis and Design
of Goods Information Management System (GIMS) and GIMS Framework For
Electronic Commerce at CBD perspective, Proceedings of CIT'2001,
Shanghai, P.R. China, Sep. 13-14, 2001.
- I. Paik, T. Han, A Component
Archtecture for Business-to-Business e-Business Search System,
Proceedings of CIT'2001, Shanghai, P.R. China, Sep. 13-14, 2001.
- I. Paik, Analysis and Design
of Goods Information System for Electronic Commerce at the Perspective
of CBD, Proceedings of SNPD 2001, Nagoya, Japan, Aug. 20-22, 200.
- T. Han, I.
Paik, Gathering Services of the Information Harvest Warehouse(IHWA)
System, Proceedings of SCI00, Florida, USA, Jul. 21, 2000.
- T. Han, I.
Paik, Novel Component Architecture for Electronic Commerce Search
System, Proceedings of SNPD'00, Reims, France, May 18-20, 2000.
- I. Paik, T. Han, Design and
Implementation of Electronic Commerce Search Engine Components,
Proceedings of AoM/IAoM 17th International Conference on Computer
Science, San Diego, August 6-8, 1999.
- I. Paik, T. Han, Universal Electronic
Commerce Framework and Distributed Object Services Based on SET
Protocol, Proceedings of IASTED Conference on SE, Las Vegas, 1998.
- I. Paik, Novel Framework
Architecture for Electronic Commerce Software System Based on SET
Protocol, Proceedings of International Conference on Internet
Technology (ISIT98), Taiwan, 1998.
- I. Paik, W. Li, Design of Scalable
User Oriented Internet Information Search System Using Distributed
Object, Proceedings of International Conference on TOOLS 24,
pp471-474, Beijing, 1997.
- I. Paik, K. Paek, T. Cha, A STUDY ON THE DESIGN
SYSTEM, Proceedings of JTC-CSCC '992 pp.665 - 668, Kyeongju, 1992.
- I. Paik, N.
Park, T. Cha, Design and Implemetation of Content Addressable
Memory, Proceedings of ICCT, CT.3.9.1-CT.3.9.4, Beijing, 1990.
- Incheon Paik,
Automatic Big Data Analysis Using AI-Based Service Composition for
Virtual Space, Human-Centered Services Computing for Smart Cities,
eBook ISBN 978-981-97-0779-9, Springer, 2024.
- Kumara, B. T., Paik,
I., & Koswatte, K. R. (2019). Multi-Level Web Service Clustering to
Bootstrap the Web Service Discovery and Selection. In Innovative
Solutions and Applications of Web Services Technology (pp. 44-68). IGI
- Kumara,
B. T., Paik,
I., & Koswatte, K. R. (2018). Hybrid Term-Similarity-Based
Clustering Approach and Its Applications. In Handbook of Research on
Investigations in Artificial Life Research and Development (pp.
397-423). IGI Global.
- I. Paik, User Interface for Automatic Service Composition, IN-TECH Publishing Co. Vienna, Austria, 2009.
- K.Y
PAIK, et
I System Design, KALA
Co, Jul 1992.
Papers (Domestic)
- Incheon Paik,
Tomoya Maemori, Improvement of Trust Value Prediction Using Text Mining
for Recommender System, 19th IEICE Service Computing
Branch Meeting Technical Report, August 26, 2016.
- Yuichi Yamada,Chen
Wuhui,Yuji Ishiduka,Paik Incheon, Optimal allocation algorithms for
geo-distributed data center topology, 18th IEICE Service Computing
Branch Meeting Technical Report, June 3-4, 2016.
- Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha,Incheon Paik,Banage
Thenne Gedara Samantha Kumara, Improving Web Service Clustering using
Ontology Learning with Machine Learning, 18th IEICE Service Computing
Branch Meeting Technical Report, June 3-4, 2016.
- Yutaka Koshiba, Incheon Paik, Wuhui Chen, Construction of Global
Social Service Network for Discovery Based on Big Data
Infrastructure, 18th IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting
Technical Report, June 3-4, 2016.
- Akila Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Big Data Analytic Service
Discovery using Social Service Network with Workflow Awareness,
18th IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical Report, June 3-4,
- Yui Takeda,Incheon Paik, Evaluation of a Web Page Readability
Using Ontology Reasoning, 18th IEICE Service Computing Branch
Meeting Technical Report, June 3-4, 2016.
- Hikaru Sakai,Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha,
Incheon Paik, Performance Evaluation of Taxonomy Classification Using
Machine Learning, 18th IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting
Technical Report, June 3-4, 2016.
- Yuji ISHIZUKA,Wuhui CHEN,and Incheon PAIK, Workflow
Transformation for Real-Time Big Data Processing, 16th IEICE Service
Computing Branch Meeting Technical Report, Jan. 15, 2016.
- Takazumi Tanaka, Incheon Paik,
Wuhui Chen, Optimal Data Placement Considering Parallel Processing on
Geo-Distributed Big Data Center,15th IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical Report, October 2, 2015.
- T.H.A.S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Banage T.G.S. Kumara, K.R.C.
Koswatte, An Architecture to Intelligent Big Data Analysis, IEICE
Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical Report Vol.
115, No. 72, June 5, 2015. pp. 33-36.
- T.H.A.S. Siriweera, Incheon Paik, Banage T.G.S. Kumara, K.R.C.
Koswatte, Workflow Generation for Service Composition of Big Data
Analytics, IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical Report Vol.
115, No. 72, June 5, 2015. pp. 37-42
- Banage Thenne Gedara Samantha Kumara,
Incheon Paik, Koswatte Ralalage Chathurika Koswatte, and Akila
Siriweera, Web Service Discovery with Domain Specific Context
Awareness, IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical Report Vol.
114, No. 510, Mar. 27, 2015.
- Koswatte Ralalage Chathurika Koswatte, Incheon Paik, Banage Thenne
Gedara Samantha Kumara, Akila Siriweera, Towards Meta-Framework for
Semantic TRIZ, , IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical
Report Vol. 114, No. 510, Mar. 27, 2015.
- Wuhui Chen, Tetsuya Tashiro, Incheon Paik, Samantha Kumara,
Topology-aware Heuristic Data Allocation Algorithm for Big Data
Infrastructure, , IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical
Report Vol. 114, No. 510, Mar. 27, 2015.
- THAS Siriweera, Incheon Paik, B T G S Kumara, K R C Koswatte,
E-Learning Solution Using Hybrid Cloud Concept, IEICE Service Computing
Branch Meeting Technical Report Vol. 114, No. 510, Mar. 27, 2015.
- Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha, Incheon Paik,
Sugeeswari Lekamge, Mobile transactions on network society, IEICE
Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical Report Vol. 114, No. 510,
Mar. 27, 2015.
- Banage T.G.S. Kumara, Incheon Paik, Hiroki Ohashi, Yuichi
Yaguchi, Context Aware Web Service Similarity and Visualizatin, IEICE
SC Branch Meeting Technical Report SC2013-18, 2014. pp. 31-36.
- H. Ohashi, I. Paik, Calculating Word Similiarity for Context
Aware Web Service Clustering, IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting
Technical Report Vol. 112, No. 497, Mar. 15, 2013. pp. 29-31.
- W. Chen, I. Paik, T. Tashiro, Awareness of Social Influence on
Linked Social Service, IEICE Service Computing Branch Meeting
Report Vol. 112, No. 497, Mar. 15, 2013. pp. 25-28.
- T. Tashiro, W. Chen, I. Paik, Constructing Web-Scale Functional
Map on Global Social Service Network for Workflow-as-a-Service, IEICE
Service Computing Branch Meeting Technical
Report Vol. 112, No. 497, Mar. 15, 2013. pp. 19-24.
Refereed Conference PROCEEDINGS or Articles (In Korean)
- The Performance Evaluation of IHWA E-Commerce Search Component System, Proceedings of KISS Conference, 2000
- Analysis and Design of E-Commerce Payment Component System Based on SET, Proceedings of KIISC Conference, 2000.
- Storing XML Documents Using Oracle8i XDK, Proceedings of Korea Multimedia Society Spring Conference, 2000.
- Design of Search System Components For Electronic Commerce,
Proceedings of Korea Information Processing Society Fall Conference,
- Framework Architecture for Electronic Commerce Software System
Based on SET Protocol, Proceedings of the 25th KISS Spring Conference,
- Design of Layout Synthesis Language using Object Oriented Analysis, Proceedings of KISS, 1994
- Implementation of Optimal Cell Layout Generator Using Simulated
Annealing, Proceedings of KICS Fall Conf., Vol.11, No.2, pp
- A Study on the Encryption and Decryption Using Pseudo-Random
One-Time Pad, Proceedings of KICS Fall Conf., Vol.10, No.3,
pp 100-102, 1991.
- A Study on the High Speed Subranging A/D Converter using BICMOS
PROCESS, Proceedings of KICS Summer Conf., Vol.10, No.2, pp
421-426, 1991.
- A Study on the Implementation of One-Chip Echo Canceller, Proceedings of KICS Summer Conf., Vol.9, No.2, pp 520-524, 1990.
- Design of Content Addressable and Reentrant Memory, Proceedings of KITE Summer Conf., Vol.13, No.1, pp 333-336, 1990.
- A Study on the
Open-Framework and Components for the Next Generation Internet
Business, Funded by Korea Ministry of Information and
Communication, 2000-2003
- Building the
Electronic Commerce Payment, Search Component and Framework Based on
Object Web, Funded by Korea Ministry of Information and Communication,
- Planning for Building the Information System in Asan City, Soonchunhyang Research Fund, 1999
- Effective Resource Recycling Using Electronic Commerce, KOSEF, RRC, 1999
- Development of
Software Components for Electronic Commerce Using JCC and EJB,
Industry, Education and Research Consortium, 1998 - 1999
- A Study on the
Artificial Intelligence Information Service System based on Internet
Network, Natural Science Foundation of China, 1997.
- Multi-Agent Cooperative Internet Information Gathering System with Indexed Storage and Search Engine, KOSEF, 1996 - 1997.
- Development of Computer System for Bone Surgery and Simulation, Soonchunhyang Univ, 1994-1995.
- Design of Switching Regulator for SLIC, SSE Co, 1991-1992.
- Analyzing and Design of Source and Controller I.C Circuit for TFT-type LCD, Gold Star Co, 1990-1991.
- Design and Implementation of Testable CAM, ETRI, 1990-1991.
- Development of High Speed A/D Converter for HDTV, ETRI, 1990-1991.
- Design and Implement of Dolby Prologic Decoder, SSE Co., 1990-1991.
- Development of Algorithm for Parallel RAM Testing and Design of the Test Circuit, ISRC, 1990.
- Development of Software for Network Security, KIEF, 1989-1990.
- Implementation of Digital Volume Controller for Audio, SamSung Elec. Co., 1989-1990.
- Development of Content Addressable and Reentrant Memory , ETRI, 1990.
Ph.D THESIS, August
, 1992
- The Design of an Object-Oriented
Layout Language and Its Application to a Public-Key Cryptosystem
Internal Research Reports
- I. Paik, Semantic Web Service for e-Business: Design Support in Supply Chain
Students' Theses